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The Sacrifice of Sim Cheong

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the end, Sim Cheong became the most powerful and vicious queen in the kingdom. (True / False)
False: She became the most loved queen.
Sim Cheong agreed to marry the king, if he agreed to help her find her father. (True / False)
To get to the surface of the sea, what did the Sea God put Sim Cheong on?
Water Lily
The Sea God was kind and generous. He also adopted Sim Cheong as his daughter. (True / False)
Sim Cheong did not agree to sacrifice herself to the sea god. (True / False)
False: She agreed without hesitation.
A sailor asked Sim Cheong to sacrifice herself to Sea God, so they would give her 300 bags of rice. (True / False)
The monk told Sim Cheong's father that in order to see again he need to make an offering of 300 bags of rice to Buddha. (True / False)
Why did Sim Cheong and her father have to live only on what friends and strangers gave them?
Because her father was blind and she could not leave him alone.
What was Sim Cheong's father disability?
He was blind.
Who did Sim Cheong live with?
Her Father