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The Two Brothers

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the end, Nolbu became a changed man and the two families lived happily together. (True / False)
After Nolbu lost everything, Heungbu allowed Nolbu come to live with him. (True / False)
When Nolbu and his family opened the three gourds, dung, an angry snake and a wall of water came out. (True / False)
When they open the gourd, Heungbu's wife wish that the gourd was full of diamond. (True / False)
False: It was full of gold.
When the summer came, the mother swallow returned and brought a gift for Heungbu. (True / False)
Heungbu's wife fed their family soup made from a few roots that is very nourishing. (True / False)
False: It was not nourishing.
Nolbu's wife provided things to Heungbu for the winter. (True / False)
False: She gave him nothing.
One day, one of the baby swallows fell out of the nest. Heungbu found the tiny bird on the ground. One of its wings was broken. (True / False)
False: The leg was broken.
When Nolbu and Heungbu's father died, Heungbu inherited everything. (True / False)
False: It was Nolbu.
Nolbu is an unpleasant man with an unpleasant wife, while Heungbu is kind and generous and always helpful to everyone. (True / False)