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The Two Step-sister

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kongjwi's husband agreed to send Patjwi to prison. (True / False)
False: He agreed not to send her to prison.
Patjwi married a rich young man. (True / False)
False: It was Kongjwi
Kongjwi got the help from a toad, a flock of sparrows, and an angel. (True / False)
Kongjwi's step mother let her go the celebration only after she finished all her work. (True / False)
Patjwi felt sorry for her father because she was sure that her step-mother was not making him happy. (True \ False)
False: It was Kongjwi.
Everyday, Kongjwi worked in the house, preparing food, looking after the fire, washing clothes, and cleaning the floors. (True / False)
Patjwi is and beautiful girl with a beautiful character. (True / False)
False: She is an ugly girl with an ugly character.
Kongjwi and her mother spent their days eating, shopping, and telling Patjwi what to do. (True / False))
False: It was Patjwi.
Kongjwi is older than Patjwi. (True / False)
What is the name of the woman's daughter? (Patjwi / Kongjwi / Louyii)