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Visual studies final review

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What is the French Term for painting outdoors? En ______ Air.
En Plein Air
Visual designers focus entirely on digital media, not traditional print media.
5. TRUE / FALSE UX is the process designers use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style.
. TRUE / FALSE Visual organization is the process of using charts or drawings to deliver data or to make a statement in a way that is organized and presentable
TRUE / FALSE In our lesson, we talked about data security being a positive part of digital culture rather than a negative one.
TRUE / FALSE In the movement of Pop Art, artists find magic and strange beauty in the unexpected and the uncanny, the disregarded and the unconventional.
TRUE / FALSE The main features of Barogue Art is drama, deep colors, dramatic light, sharp shadows and dark backgrounds
UX stands for _________ _______________.
User Experience
5. The main job of a _________ __________ is to communicate an idea to customers through the use of text and images.
Graphic Designer
___________ Visuals are used to show relationships among multiple variables.
________________is a concept that describes how technology and the internet are shaping the way that we interact as humans.
Digital culture
Abstract Expressionists were inspired by the surrealist idea that art should come from the _____________ mind.
Impressionism artists use small, visible _____ strokes that offer the bare impression of form, unblended color and an emphasis on the accurate depiction of natural light.
What does UI stand for?
User interface
Who are known as the “problem solvers” of the design world?
Visual Designers
Which type of “visual” shows changes in time and space?
Which term suggests a type of description or portrayal of someone or something?
Which movement allowed the development of abstract modern art movements and also defied the rules of art and turned out to be one of the greatest breaks in art history?
Which art movement is from 40,000 - 4,000 B.C?
Prehistoric Art