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Artist jobs

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Who creates permanent images or words in clients' skin by injecting ink and other pigments just underneath the skin with a small, sanitized needle?
A tattoo artist
Who designs, makes and decorates cakes for birthdays, weddings and other special occasions.
A cake Decorator
Who Assesses client's needs or disorders using drawing, painting, sculpting, or other artistic processes?
Art Therapists
Who designs the visual aspects of comics and graphic novels, including the panels, characters, settings and text?
a comic book artist
Who is in charge of the costume team, budget, and time frame for the project. They also schedule fittings with actors and oversees costume alterations and repairs?
A costume designer
Whose role it is to acquire, care for and develop a collection of artworks?
Who is a visual artist who creates two- or three- dimensional art using a range of materials— from stone to wood, plastic to paperclips?
A Sculptor
Who paints landscapes, portraits, and other subjects in a variety of styles, ranging from realistic to abstract. They may work in a variety of media, such as watercolors, oil paints, and acrylics.
They ensure all hair and make-up is done on time, and once filming starts they are often on set to touch up hair and make-up. They may also take notes and photos for continuity.
A Make up artist
Who creates original clothing, accessories, and footwear. They sketch designs, select fabrics and patterns, and give instructions on how to make the products they design.
A fashion designer
Who instructs students how to produce, appreciate, and understand the fine arts.
An Art Teacher
Who imagines almost everything about a game, including its plots, characters, visual designs, and layouts?
Video game Designer
Who designs the overall look of houses, buildings, and other structures. They must ensure that the final product is both attractive and functional.
Who in this role will work closely with a hardworking team of directors, art directors, etc. to design all aspects of a feature animated film projects.
Visual Development Artist
What does UX stand for…?
User Experience
What does UI stand for?
User Interface
Who is known as the “problem solvers” of the design world?
Visual Designers
Who focuses entirely on digital media, not traditional print media?
Visual Designers
Who were traditionally focused on producing content for print media. such as, magazines, brochures and catalogues.
Graphic Designers
Whose main job is to communicate an idea to customers through the use of text and images.?
Graphic Designer