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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Isaac practices 7 penalty kicks every morning. If he did this for 45 mornings, how many penalties did he kick?
Bella put her 127 books into 4 shelves. How many books in each shelf?
Mr. D collected 27 marbles every day in the month of February. How many did he collect in total?
Braylin has to put 94 packs of Tayto into boxes of eight Tayto. How many boxes will they have and how many more packs needed to make another box?
The shop puts the RTE Guides into packs of four. If there are 33 RTE Guides, how many packs will they have and how many left over?
Lillia has to place the 91 apples into bags of six apples. How many bags will she fill and how many apples will be left over?
Oisin ran 15km each day for the month of March. How far did he run in total?
Caitriona has 90 pages of her book to finish in five days. How many pages will she read every day?
In a box of Celebrations, Kate, Emily and Niamh divided the remaining 69 sweets among themselves. How many sweets did each person get?
Holly reads 23 pages of her book each day for 17 days. How many pages in total did she read?
Liam brought 51 marbles for himself and his two friends Rhys and Tadhg. How many marbles will each person get?