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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Police officers have been encouraged to hit offenders by the administration.
The Administration has encouraged Police Officers to hit offenders.
Layla was taught how to dance Samba by the people on the streets!
People on the streets taught Layla how to dance Samba.
A large amount of money was required to enter the concert by the organizers.
The organizers required a large amount of money to enter the concert.
As AI advances, Companies are being forced to hire Prompt Engineers by the circumstances.
As AI advances, Circumstances are forcing companies to hire Prompt Engineers.
Her boyfriend didn't have any chance. She was never convinced to sell her ticket.
Her boyfriend never convinced her to sell her ticket.
My brother was allowed to buy candies by the teacher.
The teacher allowed my brother to buy candies by the teacher.
We were advised by the police to carry on and never look back.
The police advised us to carry on and never look back.