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Era Review 8th Grade Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Author of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and writer of the Federalist Papers
James Madison
Marbury V. Madison established the power of Judicial Review declaring actions and laws unconstitutional
Judicial Review
Law that made it illegal to criticize the government and made it difficult to allow immigrants into the country
Alien and Sedition Acts
Law that closed U.S ports and restricted all trade with European countries but destroyed the economy
Embargo Act 1807
Southern port city along the Mississippi River
New Orleans
Time period after the War of 1812 when there was Nationalism, expansion westward and industry.
Era of Good Feelings
Declaration that the American continents were no longer open to European colonization or control
Monroe Doctrine
Uprising by western farmers in response to Hamilton’s whiskey tax.
Whiskey Rebellion
Presidential advice to the nation to avoid political parties, national debt and foreign alliances.
Washington's Farewell Address
Economic system that had limited government interference in a business which allowed an owner to compete, produce and sell a good and receive a profit for it.
Free Enterprise System
Southern state who nullified federal law and threatened to secede the U.S
South Carolina
Brutal journey of disease and death that forced the Cherokee west to new reserved indian territory
Trail of Tears
The practice of replacing government officials with loyal supporters of the president and his political party.
Spoils System
In this battle, General Jackson successfully defeated the british during the War of 1812 and was considered a “hero”.
Battle of New Orleans
Group of people who worked on the railroad but faced prejudice and unjust treatment. Their legacy was leaving the oldest and richest culture in the U.S.
The Chinese
Nickname for California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada (Mexican territories ceded in 1848)
Agreement between slave and free states around the issue of slavery. A boundary was created at the 36’30 line to balance states
Missouri Compromise 1820
Federal law that forcibly relocated indian nations west across the Mississippi River during Andrew Jacksons presidency
Indian Removal Act 1832
Law that established a method for admitting new states into the Union
Northwest Ordinance
Group of people who escaped a potato famine.
The Irish
Land purchased from Mexico in 1853 to build a railroad connecting the east to the west.
Gadsden Purchase
Belief that it is Americans duty to expand and occupy all of North America.
Manifest Destiny
Increased the speed for river travel and decreased shipping costs
Steamboats (Robet Fulton)
Man-made waterway that opened up New York city as a major commercial trade center
Canal System (Erie Canal)
Invention by Eli Whitney that increased the profitability of plantations and slavery
Cotton Gin