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AS 3 Past Simple (+/-/?)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spike (dance) at the party.(-)
Spike DIDN'T DANCE at the party.
Eve ( run) at the bus stop quickly.(+)
Eve RAN atthe bus stop quickly.
Nita (push) the door happily.(+)
Nita PUSHED the door happily.
Poco (play) the guitar happily at the party.(+)
Poco PLAYED the guitar happily at the party.
Carl (think) about his homework yesterday. (-)
Carl DIDN'T THINK about his homework yesterday.
Griff (see) his friends at the train station. (+)
Griff SAW his friends at the train station.
Tick (drink) an orange juice. (+)
Tick DRANK an orange juice.
What ... Mr. P (drink) for lunch. (?)
What DID Mr. P DRINK for lunch?
Rosa (eat) a sandwich at school. (+)
Rosa ATE a sandwich at school.
What ... Pam (eat) at the party. (?)
What DID Pam EAT at the party?
Where... Emz (go) last Tuesday. (?)
Where DID Emz GO last Tuesday?
Piper ( make) a cake for a birthday party. (+)
Piper MADE a cake for a birthday party.
Colette (read) comics last evening. (+)
Colette READ comics last evening.
Edgar (go) to school sadly in the morning. (+)
Edgar WENT to school sadly in the morning.
Mandy (have) a birthday party last Sunday. (-)
Mandy DIDN'T HAVE a birthday party last Sunday.
Who ... Lola (go) to the cafe with (?)
Who DID Lola GO to the cafe with?
Mortis (shout) angrily in the evening. (-)
Mortis DIDN'T SHOUT in the evening.
Leon ( go) slowly down the street yesterday. (+)
Leon WENT slowly down the street yesterday.