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Review Topic 4 - Lesson 1,2,3,4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "Linh nghĩ An đã ngủ." mean? (*Note: "đã ..." is used to talk about the past)
Linh thinks An slept. // Linh thinks An is asleep.
How to say "Linh has 3 turmerics." ?
Linh có ba củ nghệ.
How to say "An eats tuna." ?
An ăn cá ngừ.
What does "Mẹ chỉ cho bé nghé và ngô." mean?
Mother shows the baby baby buffalo and corn.
How to say "the cat and the dog are sleeping." ? (Note: "đang ..." is used to say doing something)
Con chó và con mèo đang ngủ.
What does "An chơi đàn ghi ta cho Linh nghe." mean?
An plays the guitar for Linh to hear.
What does "Bà ăn cua, còn bé ăn ghẹ." mean?
The grandmother eats crabs, and the baby eats sentinel crabs.
What does "Linh đang ghi bài." mean? (Note: "đang ..." means "is ..." , to say doing something.)
Linh is writing the lesson. / Linh is taking note of the lesson.
Pronounce one by one the word "gà gô". What does it mean?
How to say "Mom goes to Cà Ná train station." ?
Mẹ đi ga Cà Ná.
How to say "Baby draws chicken and chair." ?
Bé vẽ (con) gà và (cái) ghế.
What does "An đang viết chữ A." mean? (Note: "đang ..." means "is ..." , to say doing something.)
An is writing letter A.
What does "Linh đội mũ và mặc đầm." mean? (Note: "đội" and "mặc" mean "wear".)
Linh wears a hat and a dress.
How to say "Grandma gives the baby papaya." ?
Bà cho bé (trái) đu đủ.
What does "Mặt trời đỏ lừ." mean? (Note: "Mặt trời" is the sun.)
The sun is very red.
Pronounce one by one the word "cá hú". What does it mean?
Howling (fish)
Pronounce one by one the word "cá mú". What does it mean?
Grouper (fish)
How to say "Linh eats tamarind and An eats apricot." ?
Linh ăn trái me, còn An ăn trái mơ.
Pronounce one by one the word "cá mè". What does it mean?
How to say "Parents let baby go on motorboat." ?
Ba mẹ cho bé đi ca nô.
How to say "Dad eats tamarind." ?
Ba ăn me. / Bố ăn me.
How to say "Baby Na has red bow" ?
Bé Na có nơ đỏ.
What does "kì nghỉ" mean?