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Sneaky Leprechauns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read the fun fact: Corned beef and cabbage are often eaten on St. Patrick’s Day.
Would you eat it?
Read the fun fact: In folktales, leprechauns were cranky and responsible for mending the shoes of the other fairies.
Read the sentence twice: Golden horseshoes and clovers are symbols seen on St. Patrick's Day.
Did you know both are symbols of good luck?
If someone is lucky, what does that mean?
Are you lucky?
Joke: Where can you always find gold?
In the dictionary!
Joke: Why can't you iron a four-leaf clover?
Because you shouldn't press your luck!
Read these sentences: Soda bread is popular in Ireland. Some people like it sweet with a spoonful of honey, sugar or dried fruits.
Yum, sounds good to me!
Have you ever had a shamrock shake? What do you think is in it?
Make one sentence using the words "shamrock" and "parade"
Read this sentence: On St. Patrick's day, celebrations include parades and festivals.
Read the sentence twice: I am lucky to have a fun English teacher :)
Yes, yes you are!
Would you rather wear a leprechaun's top hat or a football helmet to school all day, every day?
Hats off to you
Read the sentence twice: Iris lives in Ireland with Izzy.
Would you rather be a lucky leprechaun, that might be caught by a human, or a sleepy leprechaun, that lives alone in the forest?
Hmmm... decisions, decisions!
What green foods do you eat?
So healthy!
Use the words "lucky charms" in a sentence.
Use the words "rainbow" and "clouds" in one sentence.
What would you do if you found a gold coin?
Read this sentence twice: Leo the lucky leprechaun ate rainbows for breakfast.
Read this sentence twice: The leprechaun put seven pieces of gold under the playground.
If you caught a leprechaun, what would you name him/her?
Give your leprechaun a first and last name.
Name 3 things that are green.