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T/F: House arrest can be given as a sentence or as a condition for awaiting trial (instead of awaiting it in jail)
What does a "front door" program do? Give an example
Diverts offenders away from the CJUS system; a diversion program is a common front-door program
What are dynamic risk factors? List some examples
Factors that are unique to the individual & are able to change; these include: peer groups, education, employment, substance abuse, etc.
T/F: There have always been more male offenders than female offenders within the CJUS system
Intensive-supervision probation is different than regular probation in what ways? (2 main ways)
Closer supervision/surveillance & smaller officer caseloads so they can spend more time with individual offenders
What is an STG and what does it generally refer to?
Security Threat Group; prison gangs
T/F: Prisoners can be deprived of all Constitutional rights once they are incarcerated
What are the differences between probation & parole?
Probation: in lieu of or before incarceration; under court supervision. Parole: conditional release from an institution to finish a sentence
What did the case of "Cooper v. Pate" give inmates the right to do?
File civil suits against prison authorities
Which group is the most important when it comes to a parole board making a decision about releasing an inmate?
When prisoners learn about prison life and become integrated into the subculture, it is called:
Why doesn't the 4th Amendment pertain to prisoners? (Which protection are they not permitted to have while incarcerated?)
4th Amendment protection against unreasonable/unwarranted search & seizures
Describe what a pseudofamily is
Relationship among female prisons (family structure in prison)
What were the purpose of "black codes" after the Civil War?
Criminalized trivial behavior of newly freed slaves
What is "argot" in regard to prisons?
Prison slang
What are the 3 goals of correctional institutions?
Protect society, help/rehabilitate the offender, ensure the safety of correctional staff
There is a hierarchy of inmates in prison institutions which depends on the crimes that they committed. Which group composes the BOTTOM of the hierarchy?
Sex offenders
Most female inmates are incarcerated for a _____ offense
What does the concept of "net widening" refer to?
Giving harsher sentences for offenders that would have normally received probation or a lesser sentence for the crime that they committed (drug offenses)
What is the fastest growing age group in prisons today?
What is the term that refers to paying money to the victim, victim's family, etc. in order to respond to a crime committed?
What group was William Penn a member of?
List 3 examples of technical probation violations
Associating with known criminals, failing to meet with a probation officer, failing to meet curfew, failed drug tests, etc.
What are the two goals of probation?
Rehabilitate the offender & protect society
In regard to "hands off" legislation, who administers and runs the programs associated with the prison?
The norms and values that prisoners learn while incarcerated are known as the:
Inmate code
Describe what shock probation is
Administering a jail sentence that "shocks" offenders with probation as well in order to deter them from engaging in recidivism in the future
What is the main lasting effect from the Martinson Report of 1974?
Most prisons cut budgets for rehab programs or eliminated the programs entirely
Suzy's probation was revoked because she did not check in with her probation officer on a weekly basis. This is an example of a ______ violation
A report that the probation officer fills out for a judge regarding an individual's criminal history, education, employment, mental health, etc., is called what?
Presentence investigation
Describe how the 1st Amendment primarily applies to prisoners in the US
Inmates can practice their religion as long as it does not compromise the safety/security of the prison/other inmates
What is the most common way that prisons handle mental/psychological issues among prisoners?
The congregate system was first utilized at the _____ Penitentiary
The ____ model suggests that inmate subculture is transferred inside the prison walls from life outside
Importation model
The _____ model suggests that the subculture among inmates forms because of the pains of imprisonment
Deprivation model
Selling criminals to private individuals instead of sentencing them to penal facilities is known as:
Indentured servitude
What is a "mule"?
Drug smuggler/transporter
Modern parole is administered at the state and ____ levels - national, federal, county, or municipal
State & federal levels
Which type of prison has the highest security level?
Which of the following is the most common formal sanction? - incarceration, restitution, fines, or probation
Describe what "classification" is in regard to inmates
Determining which inmates go to which institutions & the specific conditions associated with their confinement