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Chapter 9: US Dakota War

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One reason the war began was government annuity payments were consistently late.
One reason the war began was the traders were acting as businessmen, not kin, and shutting down their credit system.
One reason the war began was the traders took the side of the Dakota and attacked the other settlers.
One reason the war began was the Dakota were restricted from hunting and fishing and food supplis were withheld.
Traditional and farm Dakota did not have any differences, and their relationship did not help start the war.
One reason the war began was agents were not giving annuities or food to Dakota.
Most Minnesotans supported the trials and wanted to see the Dakota punished.
Only 38 of the 303 arrested Dakota were executed because...
They were the ones who committed crimes against civilians
The leader who ended the Dakota war with an army of 1,400 soldiers was...
Henry Sibley
Some Dakota thought it was a good time to fight because the U.S. would not fight back because of the Civil War.
Wounded Man and the farm Dakota joined the Traditional Dakota in attacking settlers and farms.
Farm Dakota adapted to European American life, hairstyles, clothes, religion, and homes.
Traditional Dakota wanted to keep their old way of life, rituals, beliefs, and their ability to go off the reservation.
A farm Dakota person who witnessed the first attack against settlers near the agency was...
Wounded Man
A settler who was taken captive by traditional Dakota at age 14 was...
Mary Schwandt
A missionary on the Upper Agency who helped establish a farm Dakota community was...
Stephen Riggs
The leader of a Traditional Dakota village at the Lower Agency was...
Big Eagle
The trader who kept 2 stores in the Upper and Lower Sioux Agency was...
Andrew Myrick
A place where civilians, prisoners of war, or political prisoners are held is a...
Internment camp
Dakota who want to maintain their culture and resist efforts to make them live like European Americans were called...
Traditional Dakota
Dakota who adopted some European American ways, including farming like settlers were called...
Farm Dakota