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Bill Nye: Circulatory System

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the long tube that takes air from the mouth to the Bronchi?
Bronchial tubes
What do we call tubes that take air into the lungs
What is the name for the action of pulling air in?
What is the name of the flat muscle which pulls and pushes air?
What is your lung capacity?
How much oxygen your lungs can hold
How much Carbon Dioxide do we breathe out?
4 percent
How much Oxygen is prsent in the air we breate in?
21 percent
What gas has the greatest volume in the air you breathe?
What is your pulse?
How many time your heart beats in a minute
How does exercise affect your heart rate?
It increases it
What does the aorta do?
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
What is the name of the 2 upper chambers of the heart?
What is the name of the 2 bottom chambers of the heart?
What is the function of veins?
Return blood to the heart to be oxygenated
Which organ removes Carbon Dioxide?
The heart
How big is the heart?
The size of a fist
Where is the heart in the body?
to the left
Why is the blood coloured blue in diagrams?
How many times does your heart beat every day?
Name a disease that can affect the circulatory system?
Which organs are involved in the circulatory system?
The heart and lungs
What is the system that circulates blood and nutrients through the body?
The circulatory system
Which blood vessel carries blood AWAY from the heart? (veins/arteries)
Which blood vessel carries blood to the heart? (veins/arteries)
In your blood you have both _______ and white blood cells. (red/green/blue)
The left and right side of your heart send blood to___________ parts of your body.
What carries all the nutrients to your bones? (blood/oxygen)
What are very small blood vessels next to every cell in your body? (capillaries/veins)