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Biomes in the world and Australia (Year 9/10) Pa ...

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State one benefit of coral reefs.
protect coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs, offer opportunities for recreation, source of food, source of medicine
In this photo, you can see...
a barrier reef
In this photo, you can see...
an atoll
In this photo, you can see...
a fringing reef
Which of the following is NOT the living condition of coral reefs?
warm deep salt water
temperature is between 18 - 26 °C
water must be clear
lots of sunlight
Where are coral reefs located?
shallow tropical and subtropical waters
What is the size of a coral polyp? (in diameter)
1-10mm in diameter
What is a coral reef?
It is a layer of living tiny animals called coral polyps
State one of the benefits of 'cool burns'.
Minimal flora, fauna, soil damage/ weed management/ reduce greenhouse gas emission/ no impact on farming properties and cattle grazing lands, etc.
Give one example of coastal wetlands.
sandy/stony shores, lagoons, mangroves (on the beach), etc.
What is the meaning of the word 'ephemeral'?
to have water occasionally, usually after heavy rain