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Biomes in the world and Australia (Year 9/10) Pa ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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State one of the benefits of 'cool burns'.
Minimal flora, fauna, soil damage/ weed management/ reduce greenhouse gas emission/ no impact on farming properties and cattle grazing lands, etc.
The current 'hazard reduction burns' tend to be 'hot burns'. True or False?
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' way of burning grasslands is called...
Cool burns
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' cultures are known as
The oldest continuing living culture in the entire world
Give one example of a coastal wetland.
sandy/stony shores, lagoons, mangroves (on the beach), etc.
What are differences between Bogs and Fens? State one.
Water source for bogs are rains (or any other types of precipitation) while fens have access to water sources. to
What are differences between marshes and swamps? State one.
There are leafy plants in marshes but you can find waterlogged trees in swamps
Large areas of the seafloor covered by seagrass plants are called:
Seagrass meadows
Give names of two human activities that are making grassland disappear.
Farming (agriculture) and urban development (urbanisation)
How many percent of native grasslands are left in Australia?
Less than 1%
Give a name of a grassland medicinal plant.
Mint, chamomile, lavender, ginger, aloe vera, etc.
Give a name of fibres that can be woven into clothing
Name three food grains grown in grassland.
Corn, wheat, barley, millet, oats, millet, rye or sorghum
Grassland can be called '〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇 landscape' because it is too dry to become forest but too wet to become desert.
Give two other names for grassland.
savanna, steppe, pampas, prairie, chaparral, cerrado or rangeland
What is the maximum depth of water to be classified as a wetland?
Are there deserts in Tasmania?
A forest that has reached a great age without much disturbance is called...O
Old-growth forest
How many percent of Australia's land areas does Forest biomes occupy?
What are two main factors that affect the locations of biomes?
Climate and soil
How many deserts are there in Australia?
Tundra biomes are found in areas of
high latitudes and altitudes
Boreal forests are also known as
the Taiga
Tropical grassland is also known as...