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DSD1 Part 2 Vocab and Picture Summary Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Picture Summary Question! What was the Queen wearing? (Look at Box 5)
She was wearing a big fancy hat.
Picture Summary Question! What drove past Sun and his family? (Look at Box 5)
A shiny black car drove past them.
Picture Summary Question! Where did Sun meet his parents? (Look at box 4)
He met them at the hotel.
Picture Summary Question! What did the policeman receive? (Look at box 4)
The policeman received a call on his radio.
Picture Summary Question! What did Sun finally understand? (Look at Box 3)
Sun finally understood why he didn't see Londoners wearing hats.
Picture Summary Question! What did the policeman tell Sun? (Look at Box 3)
The policeman told Sun that his book was very old.
Picture Summary Question! What did the policeman promise? (Look at box 2)
The policeman promised to take Sun to his parents.
Picture Summary Question! What did Sun tell the policeman? (Look at Box 2)
Sun told him his name.
Picture Summary Question! Who came to help Sun? (Look at Box 2)
A policeman came to help Sun.
Sun saw a white glove, __________ at him through the car window.
A shiny black car drove _______ them.
Sun stood next to two big black and gold _________.
The hat __________ my eyes.
adj. troubled, concerned
v. to get
n. a piece of paper that shows you paid money
n. a special set of clothes
n. someone you've never met before
adj. having good manners, not rude