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Reading Gr4: Debbie Dragon's Difficult Dinner

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noun: a glass or plastic tube that is used to measure out liquids by drops
dropper // drop路鈥媝er | \ 藞dr盲-p蓹r \
noun: a group of 12
dozen // doz路鈥媏n | \ 藞d蓹-z岬妌
verb: to tell a lie about something unimportant
fib //\ 藞fib \
adjective: : behaving badly
naughty // naugh路鈥媡y | \ 藞n券-t膿
verb 1: to have a serious facial expression (as in anger or thought) 2: to look with disapproval
frown // \ 藞frau虈n
adjective: 1 having or producing fire 2: of food : tasting very hot and spicy 3: having or showing a lot of strong and angry emotion
fiery //fi路鈥媏ry | \ 藞f墨(-蓹)-r膿
verb: 1 to extend out 2 be extremely noticeable
stick out
verb: to speak or cry out suddenly or with strong feeling
exclaim // ex路鈥媍laim | \ ik-藞skl膩m
adjective: 1 so unpleasant to see, smell, taste, consider, etc., that you feel slightly sick 2: so bad, unfair, inappropriate, etc., that you feel annoyed and angry
disgusting // dis路鈥媑ust路鈥媔ng | \ di-藞sk蓹-sti艐
noun: : a large spoon with a long handle that is used for dipping liquids
dipper // dip路鈥媝er | \ 藞di-p蓹r
verb: 1: to say or state (something) in an official or public way 2: to say (something) in a strong and confident way
declare // de路鈥媍lare | \ di-藞kler
noun: pickled cucumber flavored with dill
dill pick路le // /dil 藞pik蓹l/
noun: a hard, dry cracker for dogs
doggie biscuit
noun: a plant with flower heads consisting of one or more rows of white or colored flowers like petals around a central disk of tiny often yellow flowers closely packed together
daisy // dai路鈥媠y | \ 藞d膩-z膿
noun: a weedy plant that has bright yellow flowers with hollow stems and leaves that are sometimes used as food
dandelion // dan路鈥媎e路鈥媗i路鈥媜n | \ 藞dan-d蓹-藢l墨-蓹n
verb 1: to think that something probably will be or happen 2: to await the arrival of
expect // ex路鈥媝ect | \ ik-藞spekt
noun: a dish of usually meat with vegetables prepared by slow boiling
stew // \ 藞st眉 , 藞sty眉 \