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Requests and questions in reported speech

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. The receptionist asked us if we were going to leave the following day.
"Are you going to leave tomorrow?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. The teacher wanted to know why I had been crying at the concert.
"Why were you crying at the concert?"
Correct the mistake. My mum told me in the kitchen to take this glass.
My mum told me in the kitchen to take that glass.
Correct the mistake. The teacher told me in the classroom to sit down here by the window.
The teacher told me in the classroom to sit down there…
Correct the mistake. The doctor asked me stop smoking.
The doctor asked me to stop…
Correct the mistake. The zoo-keeper told us we didn't feed the animals.
The zoo-keeper told us not to feed…
Correct the mistake. The director told us on Monday not to start the course tomorrow.
The director told us on Monday not to start the course the next / following day.
Correct the mistake. Two days ago the secretary asked me to text Mr. Clark today
Two days ago the secretary asked me to text Mr. Clark that day.
Correct the mistake. My dad reminded me to not leave my keys in the car.
My dad reminded me not to leave …
Complete the sentences in the reported speech. "Stop shouting at me, Linda," asked Marry. Marry .................
Marry asked Linda to stop shouting at her.
Complete the sentences in the reported speech. "Don't worry about it, Mrs. Johnson." I advised ...................
I advised Mrs. Johnson not to worry about it.
Complete the sentences in the reported speech. "Leave your room." He asked me ...................
He asked me to leave my room.
Complete the sentences in the reported speech. "Don't travel alone." They warned me .................
They warned me not to travel alone.
Complete the sentences in the reported speech. "Have something to eat." He told me ................
He told me to have something to eat.
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. Marion asked us why we had been working there so long
"Why have you been working here so long?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. Brian wondered whether he could have a look at my photos.
"Can I have a look at your photos?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. Dan asked me whether I would come again the following year.
"Will you come again next year?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. My mum wanted to know why I was laughing.
"Why were you laughing?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. Liam wondered if we had finished two days before.
"Did you finish the day before yesterday?"
Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech. Betty asked me what I expected from her.
"What do you expect from me?"
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Was the hotel round the corner?" The man asked us ..................... round the corner.
The man asked us if / whether the hotel had been round the corner
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Have you bought the new phone?" My friend asked me ......................... the new phone.
My friend asked me if / whether I had bought the new phone.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Can I ask you for help?" The lady wanted to know ................... for help.
The lady wanted to know if / whether she could ask me for help.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Are you leaving soon?" He asked me ........................ soon.
He asked me if / whether I was leaving / I would leave soon.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "What will you order?" The waiter wanted to know ..............
The waiter wanted to know what I would order.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Where are you staying?" Sarah asked me ..............
Sarah asked me where I was staying.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Where did you work?" He wanted to know ....................
He wanted to know where I had worked.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "Do you need your dictionary?" Joe asked me ..........
Joe asked me if / whether I needed my dictionary.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. "What do you want for breakfast?" She wondered ..................... for breakfast.
She wondered what I wanted for breakfast.
Complete these sentences in the reported speech. Were you in time for the conference, Tom? I ……………………………
I asked Tom if/whether he had been in time for the conference.