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Mythology 3 The Elder Gods Pt. 2: Hera, Hestia,  ...

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What was Demeter's symbol? Why?
The wheat sheaf. She was goddess of agriculture, crops, and the harvest.
What was Persephone's symbol? Why?
The pomegranate fruit; Hades gave it to her in the underworld so she couldn't leave.
According to the ancient Greeks, how did the seasons originate?
The myth of Hades and Persephone.
What Greek island was sacred to Hera?
Name all six children of Cronus and Rhea. Why are they called "the Elder Gods"?
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. Because they're the oldest generation of Olympian gods.
Who's this? Tell us two facts about her.
Who are these guys? Tell us one fact about each.
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.
Who's this? Tell us two facts about her.
Who's this? Tell us two facts about her.
Who's this? Tell us two facts about her.