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Grammar Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did she live?
She lived in a big house.
Change to past tense: They know each other
They knew each other.
Make a question: You didn't play video games.
Did you play video games?
Change to past tense: He plays football.
He played football.
Make a question: They've been friends since 2000.
Have they been friends since 2000?
Change to postive: She doesn't sing a song on a stage.
She sings a song on a stage.
Make a question: I play tennis every Monday.
Do I play tennis every Monday?
Change to negative: She works in the college.
She doesn't work in the college.
Add the preposition: I'm going to lay down _____ bed.
I'm going to lay down in bed.
Add the preposition: The cat is jumping ______ the box.
The cat is jumping over the box.
Add the preposition: They are dancing __________ the bookshelves.
They are dancing between the bookshelves.
Add the preposition: Karla is running ______ the birds
Karla is running behind the birds
Add the preposition: Norman sits _______ to Pablo
Norman sits next to Pablo
This summer started ___ July 1st.
I'll be there ___ a minute.
I usually work ___ night.
My birthday is ___ January.
I was born ___ 1994.
We have a lot of posadas ___ Christmas.
I'm going to Canada ____ Monday.