Edit Game
Unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe your negotiating skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
I negotiate very/fairly/extremely well/badly/quickly/carefully
Describe your listening skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
I listen very/fairly/extremely well/badly/carefully
Describe your cooking skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
I cook very/fairly/extremely well/badly/slowly/carelessly
Describe your singing skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
I sing very/fairly/extremely well/badly/loudly/carelessly
List two adverbs of manner
badly, carefully, carelessly, easily, honestly, quickly
List two adverbs of degree
fairly, pretty, really, very, extremely, truly
List two adverbs of frequency
never, always, sometimes, usually, hardly ever, rarely...
Describe going on vacation using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
excited to travel, delighted to go on vacation, difficult to pack....
Describe learning english using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
easy to understand, hard to speak, willing to learn...
Describe your teacher using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
happy to help, eager to see me, excited to eat, surprised to discover...
Describe a friend using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
happy to help, eager to see me, excited to eat, surprised to discover...
How many syllables does STRATEGY and where is the stress?
3 - on the 1st syllable
How many syllables does DISAPPEAR have and where is the stress?
3 - on the 3nd syllable
How many syllables does DETECTIVE have and where is the stress?
3 - on the 2nd syllable
Does MUSIC have an /s/ sound or a /z/ sound in the middle?
Does THIS end with an /s/ sound or a /z/ sound?
Describe a party with two sensory verbs
A party smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
Describe your favorite clothes with two sensory verbs
[this clothing] smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
Describe your least favorite food with two sensory verbs
[this food] smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
Describe your house with two sensory verbs
My house smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
Describe an orange with two sensory verbs
An orange feels/smells/looks/sounds/tastes...