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The Hate U Give chap. 1-12
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The neighborhood Starr has grown up in is called ______.
Garden Heights
"The Hate U Give" is a concept that was originally created by ______.
Tupac Shakur
What kind of talk did Starr's parents have with her when she was 12?
how to act when a police officer stops you
Why does Maverick want to help DeVante?
because he thinks he could've helped Khalil too...
Who is DeVante?
a king lord (disciple)
what is the meaning of GD?
Gangster disciple
Khalil was shot by Officer 115 most likely because he thought ______.
he was reaching for a gun
Why do Starr and Uncle Carlos have such a close relationship with each other?
because they lived with him when her dad was in jail
During the interview with police, Starr and her mother suspect they are ________ rather than investigating.
justifying khalil's murder
Starr doesn't think Chris will understand what she is going through because he_____.
is white
A system designed against black people is represented by the acronym/concept _______.
What is the main reason why Maverick decided to change his life and stop gangbanging?
because he wanted to see their kids grow up and he was missing out on things
What is the real reason why the students at Williamson Prep protest?
To skip classes
What is the meaning of OG?
original gangster
115 mistook Khalil's ______ for a gun.
when people ask Starr if he knew Khalil she ______
The media referes to Khalil as a suspected _____________.
drug dealer