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Time Zones 3 - Unit 2 - I want a job that lets m ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Denise wants do do something that lets she / her help people.
Denise wants do do something that lets her help people.
What kind of job do / would you want to have in the future?
What kind of job do you want to have in the future?
What kind of job ............ they want?
What kind of job do they want?
He wants a job that lets he / him work with plants.
He wants a job that lets him work with plants.
It's a job that can / is exciting.
It's a job that is exciting.
Why don't you work as / of a travel agent?
Why don't you work as a travel agent?
What kind of job would / do you like to do someday?
What kind of job would you like to do someday?
I don't want a job that is / lets dangerous.
I want a job that is dangerous.
Susan would like to work as an app developer
What would Susan like to do someday?
I'd love to work ............. children.
I'd love to work with children.
What kind of job do you want?
I want a job that...