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St. Patrick's Day
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Is it easy to find a leprechaun? Why?
No, because they usually hide.
Where is the leprechaun's gold hidden?
At the end of the rainbow
Before 1800, what color did the leprechauns use?
What do leprechauns love to do?
Play jokes and pranks
What Brazilian figure is similar to the leprechaun?
What is the main characteristic about a leprechaun?
They are unfriendly.
What is a leprechaun?
It's an Irish small fairy
What color do people use on St. Patrick's Day? Why?
Green, so that the leprachauns can't see them.
What colors are in the Irish flag?
Orange, white and green
Why is St. Patrick's Day celebrated on March 17th?
Because it's the day he died.
What is the traditional food of St. Patrick's Day?
Beef and cabbage.
How do leprechauns earn their gold?
Making shoes
St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday from where?
When do people celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
On March, 17th