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Trivia 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of these Spanish Cities hosted the olympics in 1992?
Who trained Hercules to be a hero?
Philoctetes (Phil)
Which country invented the light bulb?
What is used to make hummus? (you have to say it in English)
What is the most expensive spice (by weight) in the world?
Sailors used to suffer from a horrible illness called scurvy. What causes scurvy?
Lack of Vitamin C
What type of food is a peanut?
A legume (not a nut)
Who gave the peninsula the name "Hispania" around 200 B.C.?
The Romans
In the 16th century, Catherine of Aragon was famously married to which English king?
Henry VIII
Which explorer was chief responsible for the fall of the Aztec empire?
Hernan Cortes
What resource did the Spanish find in the New World and import in great quantities to Europe?
The incredible size of the Spanish Empire led to Spanish being, today, the world's _____ most-spoken language.
The age of a lion can be determined by its…?
What creature has a tongue that can measure the length of its body?
What type of farm animal can sunburn?
What is the closest living relative to the T-rex?
What male sea creature gives birth to its young?
What country is this?