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Questions with BE, DO and CAN

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ ____ ready for the birthday party? (your friends)
Are your friends ready for the birthday party?
____ ____ ____ in Seville? (you, live)
Do you live in Seville?
____ ____ ____ the way to Plaza de España? (you, know)
Do you know the way to Plaza de España?
____ ____ ____ me the salt, please? (you, give)
Can you give me the salt, please?
____ ____ ____ swim? (your friend)
Can your friend swim?
____ ____ ____ French? (you, speak)
Can you speak French?
____ ____ ____ mint ice cream? (you, like)
Do you like mint ice cream?
____ ____ ____ any musical instrument? (you, play)
Can you play any musical instrument?
____ ____ arrive from work before you do? (your wife)
Does your wife arrive home before you do?
____ ____ happy today? (she)
Is she happy today?
____ ____ Anna's mum? (you)
Are you Anna's mum?
____ your brother ____ a zoo? (work)
Does your brother work in a zoo?
____ they ____ at the hospital? (work)
Do they work at the hospital?
____ ____ a teacher? (your sister)
Is your sisrer a teacher?
____ ____ like travelling? (you)
Do you like travelling?
____ ____ say the abc backwards? (you)
Can you say the abc backwards?
____ ____ good at English? (your classmates)
Are you classmates good at English?
____ ____ interested in science?  (you)
Are you interested in science?