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Doctors then and now

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do disposable gloves do?
protect patients from germs
What’s the first thing you should do if you cut yourself?
clean the cut but wash your hands first
What do nurses use today to protect themselves from making others sick?
disposable gloves
What did Florence Nightingale give her nurses?
What happened to people after they had an operation in the time of Lister?
Fewer people died after operations.
What did Lister do to hospital instruments?
He made sure all hospital instruments were properly cleaned before and after operations.
Name 2 people that thought washing your hands was a good idea
Semmelweis and Joseph Lister
What happened when Simmelweis died?
He was forgotten and disgraced.
What made other doctors hate Simmelweis?
They did not like his ideas.
Where did Semmelweis work (Job and Country)?
He worked in a big hospital in Hungary.
What did European doctors do to look at diseases?
They used microscope to look at germs.
What didn’t European doctors do?
They did not wash their hands after they had touched sick people.
Where was Avicenna from?
What did doctors in the middle east pioneer?
They set up the first hosital.
What did Avicenna work out?
He wrote a book about medicine
Name 3 things Romans used 1 million litres of water for
drinking, washing and cleaning the streets and drains
What did Romans think of cleanliness?
It's good for people.
Who could use the baths in Rome?
Romans (Everyone in Rome)
Where was Hippocrates from?
What did Hippocrates think was important to do to help patients?
looking carefully at patients
Where did the first known dentist work?
Who did the first known doctor treat?
King Zoser
What is the name of the first known doctor?