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St. Patrick´s Day

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which city dyes its river green on this holiday?
What do we call a person from Ireland?
What country´s flag is this?
What do leprechauns hide at the end of a rainbow?
a pot of gold
Where do leprechauns hide their treasure?
At the end of a rainbow
What is this?
a rainbow
Why do we wear green on this day?
To be invisible to tricky leprechauns
What is this mythical creature?
a leprechaun
What happens if you find a shamrock with four leaves?
You have good luck
How many leaves does a typical shamrock have?
Which plant is a symbol of this day?
shamrock or clover
What happens to the Empire State Building on this day?
It is illuminated with green lights
How many years has the longest St. Patricks Day parade been going?
250 years
Where is the biggest St. Patrick´s Day parade?
New York City
What color do people wear on this holiday?
What is this called?
a parade
Which countries celebrate St. Patricks´s Day?
Ireland, England, Canada, Australia, USA
What date is St. Patrick´s Day?
March 17th
Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
St. Patrick
What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?