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Nucleic acids

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many nucleotides make up a tRNA molecule
What is an anticodon
A sequence of 3 bases on a tRNA molecule
What is a codon?
A sequence of 3 bases
Which nucleic acid is the largest?
Which nucleic acid is the most stable?
What is the proteome of a cell?
All the proteins produced by the genome
What is the genome of an organism?
All the genes in the cell
Which sugar is found in all RNA molecules?
What shape is mRNA?
Single helix
How is the shape of tRNA described?
Clover leaf
State 3 features of tRNA
Clover-leaf shape, Amino acid attachment point, anticodon, hydrogen bonds
Which type of RNA has a fixed length?
How does the stability of mRNA compare to tRNA
mRNA less stable
Which type of RNA is found in the nucleus?
mRNA / pre mRNA
What is the same about a pair of homologous chromosomes
The genes they carry
What is different about a pair a homologous chromosomes?
The alleles they carry
State one difference between prokaroytic and eukaryotic DNA
Histones, length, size
What is the combination of DNA and a histone called?
Which protein is DNA coiled around?
Which amino acid is coded for first in all polypeptides
What are coding sequences called?
What is an intron?
Non coding sequence
What does universal mean?
Each triplet codes for the same amino acid in all organisms
What does non-overlapping mean?
Each base sequence is read only once
What does degenerate mean?
Each amino acid can be coded for by more than one triplet
What is an allele?
Different form of the same gene
What is a locus
A particular location on a DNA molecule
What is a gene
A bases sequences that codes for a polypeptide