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Legislative Branch Chapter 4

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the job of the Speaker of the House?
What does a whip do?
Describe how an official may be impeached and removed from office.
Give an example of the partisan model of representation.
Give an example of the delegate model of representation.
Give an example of the Trustee model of representation.
Name and explain four incumbent advantages.
Look at your notes (9 reasons incumbents get reelected)
Explain one pro and one con regarding earmarks (pork barrel).
What are four things a president may do to a bill?
Define cloture
What is the most important incumbent advantage? Why?
Define filibuster
Give an example of pork barrel (earmarks)
Give an example of casework
How does gerrymandering help an incumbent?
Gerrymandering can help an incumbent by drawing the boundaries in their favor (Party or Racial)
What is the difference between partisan and racial gerrymandering?
Where does most of the work in Congress occur?
Which chamber has unlimited speaking time?
Why is it easier to pass a bill in the HOR than the Senate?
Where did Gerrymandering get its name?
Which type of committee investigates issues arising from a crisis or scandal?
What can cause an incumbent to lose a seat during a primary?
Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno were both argued using which part of the constitution?
14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause
What is the only stated (in the constitution) position in the US Constitution?
Speaker of the House
How often does reapportionment happen?
Every 10 years
Who do members of the House represent?
constituents in their districts
What is the purpose of a select committee?
What is the purpose of a standing committee?
Which president became the third in U.S. history to be impeached?
Donald Trump
Name two unique powers of the House of Representatives.
Why did the founders create a bicameral legislature?
How did Shaw v. Reno affect redistricting?
What was the importance of Baker v. Carr?
Name two things the Rules Committee does while meeting.
Who runs the day to day operation of the Senate?
Senate Majority Leader
Which chamber sees higher reelection rates?
Name three factors that influence a member of congress to vote.
Why is pork barrel (earmarks) important to members of Congress?
What is the significance of the Rules Committee?
What does it take to override a presidential veto?
2/3's vote to override in each chamber
Who may introduce a bill to congress?
only members of congress
The vice president votes in the Senate when:
there is a tie
Which president resigned from office before impeachment proceedings could begin?
What are four things a president can do to a bill?
sign it, ignore it, veto it, pocket veto
What determines the number of representatives each state receives?
Besides making laws, congress has other major roles/powers. Name 2 of them.
Teacher's discretion
Explain TWO major difference between chambers (HOR & Senate) in regards to passing a bill?
Teacher's discretion
Define apportionment.
the process of determining the number of representatives for each state using census data
How do the qualifications for the house and senate differ?
Age- 25 vs. 30, Citizenship- 7 years vs. 9 years.