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Explore Our World 4: Unit 2 - Let's Celebrate

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does this picture show?
What does the picture show?
a parade.
I am a special paper. I show you the date and place of the party. You can usually see me in weddings or birthday parties.
an invitation.
I am a decoration. I light up. I make many places more beautiful because of my colorful lights. You can see many of me in Hoi An. What am I?
a lantern.
C - A - E - D - R - O - T - O - S - N - I
What are the past simple forms of these verbs? - run, go, see, eat, write
ran, went, saw, ate, wrote
What are the past simple forms of these verbs? - watch, study, cry, celebrate, dance
watched, studied, cried, celebrated, danced
Talk about this picture.
Talk about this picture.
Choose 2 people from your team. Ask and answer questions using PAST SIMPLE with IRREGULAR VERBS.
Choose 2 people from your team. Ask and answer questions using PAST SIMPLE with REGULAR VERBS.
Say 10 words that we have learned from this unit.
dress up, remember, candles, parade, birthday cake, present, balloons, feast, costume, mask, party, lantern, celebrate, dance, decorations, fireworks,