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Human Evolution

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What is the meaning of Homo Erectus?
The man that could walk straight.
When did Homo sapiens first appear?
About 200,000 years ago
What is Charles Darwin known for?
Identifying how evolution has affected species changing them or let them extinct.
If you study fossils, what type of scientist are you?
Was Charles Darwin's book 'On the Origin of Species' accepted by everyone right away?
No, no one believed his theories.
Scientists believe that the first ancestors of humans are from Africa: True or False.
If a species does not adapt to a changing environment, what will probably happen to it?
It will go extinct.
First producer of fire
Homo habilis
From which continent did all humans originate?
Who is Lucy?
The oldest fossil we have found of hominid evolution.
What species is our oldest ancestor: Homo habilis, Australopithecus, or Homo sapiens?
What is the key trait of all hominids?
Walking upright on two legs (bipedal)
Describe some advantageous traits to avoid getting eaten by a predator?
long legs to run fast, stripes, camouflage, etc
Describe one advantageous trait of a giraffe.
A giraffe's long neck is an advantageous trait. It allows the animal to reach food from high in the trees.
Natural process of biological changes.
Name the naturalist who established the modern theory of evolution.
Charles Darwin