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UOE T4 Unit 5
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unlike collecting, reading is a pastime that people hardly ... abandon.
Also they are keen ... collecting when they first start, they very often become fed up with it as ... as they reach late teens
on / soon
Children often become interested ... collecting when they come ... something their parents or grandparents have collected.
in / across
Traditional activities includes pastimes such ... collecting and reading.
Too much visual ... isn't good for our brains, -stimulate-
... to radiation is extremely dangerous. -expose-
There have been many ... advances over the past century. -technology-
The flight ... was an amazing experience. -simulate-
What time does the rocket ... open at? -exhibit-
Fridges and cookers are common household ... . -apply-
Where do these stones ... from? -origin-
There are many ... exhibits on display in the museum. -interact-
Correct the sentence: Mark should have repaired the TV if you had asked him.
Mark would have repaired the TV if you had asked him.
Correct the sentence: The customers can have been impressed with the iPod because they have sold out.
The customers must have been impressed with the iPod because they have sold out.
Correct the sentence: Might I have asked permission before entering the laboratory?
Should I have asked permission before entering the laboratory?
Jan may have caused the fire because she wasn't here at the time.
Jan can't have caused the fire because she wasn't here at the time.
Correct the sentence: They ought have told us the washing machine needed fixing.
They ought to have told us.../ They should have told us...
Correct the sentence: You mustn't have got me tickets to the planetarium; I've already got some.
You needn't have got me ticket to the planetarium...
You ... not go near the reactor without protective clothing.
should / must
... Louise play video games when she was five?
You ... buy that book because it's not for sale.
They don't ... to clean up after themselves, the cleaner does it.
.... I watch you doing the experiment?
Can/ May/ Might/ Should/ Must
That girl ... be Caroline's sister because she doesn't have one.
Will we be ... to speak to the professor in person after the talk.
Brad ... to wear his lab coat in the laboratory
ought / has / needs
We .... to install photovoltaic panels
ought / have/ need
You needn't/have to buy a new cable because we've got a spare one.
I ought to/couldn't use a computer when I was six.
This must/can't be the website we were on earlier, it's completely different.
Will the technician can/be able to come tomorrow?
be able to
You don't have to/shouldn't purchase electronic equipment that does not have a guarantee
She needn't/can't buy a DVD player because she doesn't have enough money
Could/May you take a look at my printer?It's broken