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Amazing Adventures

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what are these?
a mask and snorkel
what are these?
what is this?
cage diving
say in english : bronzer
to sunbathe
say in english : grimper, monter
to climb, to ascend
what are these?
what is this?
rope, cable
what is this?
what is this?
the globe, the planet, the world
what is this?
paddling, kayaking, canoeing
what is this?
what is this?
mushing, dog sledding
what is this?
what is this?
a duffel bag
what is this?
scuba diving, deep sea diving
what is this?
a pocket lamp (USA) , a torch (GB)
what is this?
(summit) oxygen mask
what is this?
a grappling hook
say in english : gourde, thermos
a flask / a thermos
say in english : batons de ski
ski poles
say in english : naviguer
to navigate / to sail
say in english : un bateau
a boat
say in english : l'océan
the ocean
say in english : la mer
the sea
what are these?
snow goggles
what is this?
a tent
say in english : un casque
a helmet
what is this?
a harness
say in english : plongée
say in english : faire le tour du monde (en bâteau)
to circumnavigate / circumnavigating
what activity is this?
to surf / surfing
say in english : nager
swimming / to swim
say in english : escalade (sur mur de glace)
ice wall climbing
say in english : escalade (sur rocher)
rock climbing (to climb a cliff)
what is this?
ski boots
say in english : la rivière
the river
say in english : pagayer
to paddle
say in english : faire du cheval
horse ride
say in english : une pioche
an ice axe / a pick axe
what is this?
a shovel
say in english : des jumelles
say in english : un traineau
a sled
say in english : des palmes
say in english : des gants
some gloves
say in english : une carte
a map
say in english : un sac à dos
a backpack / a rucksack
say in english : une combinaison de surf
a wet / a dry suit
say in english : un sac de couchage
a sleeping bag
say in english : le sommet
the summit, the mountain top, a peak
say in english : des lunettes de soleil
say in english : sans aide
unsupported / without any support
say in english : le plus long
the longest
say in english : le plus grand
the biggest (the tallest - en hauteur)
say in english : difficile
hard, difficult
say in english : le plus profond
the deepest
say in english : équipement
say in english : équipage
a crew
say in english : marcher
to walk, walking
say in english : une descente
a descent
say in english : glace
say in english : randonnée
to trek, trekking / to hike, hiking
say in english : courageux
brave, courageous
say in english : à l'extérieur
outside, outdoors
say in english : neige
say in english : rapide
quick, fast, quickly
say in english : pentu
say in english : le plus connu
the most famous
say in english : le plus haut
the highest