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Punctuation marks

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I want to call my friend___however__I know she is okay without me.
Semicolon / comma
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Oh no___my fiends____you never do that again.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: When you travel to another country____be sure of carrying extra money with you.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: The girl ___gulping___opened the door.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: The new girl is adorable____She came here last week.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: "The lion is coming after me..." __John Brown, My little friend, chp 4___.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Anny brought a lot for the garage sale. She brough old DVDs_____clothes_____furniture and books.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Please____ fetch me my purse.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Some departments of Guatemala are____San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango and Peten.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Falling down is unavoidable____but you've got to stand up with dignity always.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: Tom was very clever and worked hard_____he deserved to win the first place.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: The rabbit didn't dare to jump____the gap was too big.
Semicolon /period.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: She kept repeating___"I really want a car".
Comma / Colon.
What is the most suitable punctuation mark for this sentence: My best friend__the one with blond hair__has now a baby.