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EF elementary Unit 5 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can’t see very well because it’s _____. A foggy  B fog  C cool 
A foggy
The season before winter is _____. A spring  B summer  C autumn 
C autumn
A It’s 48 ºC today. That’s _____! A warm  B hot  C cold 
B hot
Is it _____ today? A windy  B winding  C windey 
A windy
What’s the weather like in summer? It’s usually hot and _____. A sun  B sunny  C sunning 
A sunny
dogs _____
_____ a noise
_____ somebody flowers
_____ photos
_____ for the bus
_____ go to Charlene’s party? A Do I can  B I can  C Can I 
C Can I 
You _____ park here. It’s ‘No Parking’. A can to  B can  C can’t 
C can’t 
Be quiet, please. I _____ my homework. A do  B am do  C am doing 
C am doing
A Where’s Ann? B She’s in the kitchen. She _____ coffee. A makes  B ’s making  C making 
B ’s making
My sister _____ on Friday nights. A usually goes out  B is usually going out  C goes usually out 
A usually goes out
What time _____ up? A do you usually wake  B are you usually waking  C usually you wake 
A do you usually wake
A What does he do? B _____. A He’s having a bath  B He’s a student  C Yes, he does 
B He’s a student
She _____ dressed. A is get  B is getting  C does getting 
B is getting
She _____ drive. She walks to work. A doesn’t can  B can’t to  C can’t 
C can’t 
_____ help me? I’m lost. A You can  B Can you  C Can you to 
B Can you
What _____? A you are doing  B you doing  C are you doing 
A you are doing
you / use / this computer / now?
Are you using this computer?
why / Dave and his wife / argue ?
why are Dave and his wife arguing?
what / you / do / at the moment ?
What are you doing at the moment?