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Word problems - I

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pat has 4 erasers. Ken has 2 erasers. Jason has 3 erasers. How many erasers do they have all together?
Lilly has 3 pink hats, 2 white hats, and 1 purple hat. How many hats does Lilly have in all?
Linda has 34 candies. Chloe has 6. How many candies do they have together?
I read 20 pages of my English book yesterday. Today, I read 10 pages. How many pages did I read in total?
In a classroom, there are 5 girls and 4 boys. How many students are there in total?
Ron went to a pet shop. He bought 5 gold fish, 7 blue fish and 3 packages of fish food. How many fish did he buy?
Lucy went to the grocery store. She bought 11 packs of cookies and 5 packs of noodles. How many packs of groceri
Tina has 4 jackets at home and 3 jackets at school. How many jackets does Tina have in all?
There are 7 red chairs and 5 green chairs at the table. How many chairs are at the table all together?
Jill had 7 toy cars. She got 3 more for her birthday. How many toy cars does Jill have now?
2 cats is in the yard. 4 more cats come into the yard. How many cats are in the yard now?
Sam has 14 marbles. Tim gave Sam 4 marble. How many marbles does Sam have now?
There are 4 red blocks on the rug. There are 4 yellow blocks on the rug. How many blocks are on the rug in all?
Sue has 2 markers. Tom has 3 markers. How many markers do they have altogether?