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She has created a spectacular (artystyczna instalacja) out of recycled everyday objects and (osoby biegające z jednej imprezy kulturalnej na drugą) are flocking to see it.
She has created a spectacular art installation out of recycled everyday objects and culture vultures are flocking to see it.
In the living room of the mansion, there is a (fortepian) and many fine paintings, including a (martwa natura) by a Dutch master.
In the living room of the mansion, there is a grand piano and many fine paintings, including a still life by a Dutch master.
Despite being a (niskobudżetowy) film with amateur actors, it became a cult classic with (miłośnicy filmów) around the world.
Despite being a low-budget film with amateur actors, it became a cult classic with movie buffs around the world.
If this novel is not in the (domena publiczna), we will seek permission from the (prawa autorskie) holder to reprint a short section of it.
If this novel is not in the public domain, we will seek permission from the copyright holder to reprint a short section of it.
The film was (chwalony przez krytyków) because of its superb acting and powerful message, and I (gorąco) recommend it.
The film was critically acclaimed because of its superb acting and powerful message, and I highly recommend it.