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Forming & Solving Equations

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the ratio of Alex's to Lucy's to Megan's age.
What is the size of each angle?
29 degrees, 64 degrees & 87 degrees
How many games does Calum have?
25 games
The perpendicular height of the parallelogram is 5cm. Find the area of ABCD
130 cm sq
Find x.
x = 16 degrees
The rectangle and triangle have the same perimeter. Find x.
x = 7cm
Find the perimeter of the rectangle.
Find x.
x = 41.5 degrees
The area of the triangle is 294 cm sq. Work out the value of x.
x = 7 cm
Find x.
x = 54 degrees
This triangle has a perimeter of 31cm. Find x.
x = 6cm
This rectangle has a perimeter of 43cm. Find x.
x = 4.5cm
Find x
x = 48 degrees
Find k
k = 64 degrees