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Electricity basics

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How do you call an atom with negative charge?
How do you call an atom with positive charge?
Which is the unit to measure the electrical power?
Which is the unit to measure the electric current?
Are fuses protection elements?
Yes, they are.
Are switches protection elements?
No, they aren't.
....................give a continuous sound when current flows through them. They are often used in alarm systems. (bulbs, buzzers, motors, resistors)
The loads that convert electrical energy into heat are....... (bulbs, buzzers, motors, resistors)
Which is the part of the circuit that consumes electricity?
The load
Usually, the conductors are wires made of .................... and covered in plastic. (plastic, glass, copper, iron, wood)
............................conduct the electric current from the battery to the load, passing through the control elements and back to the battery. (Insulators/ Conductors/ Switches /Fuses)
To connect electrical devices to the primary alternating current supply (AC) in a building we use p........ and s..........
plugs and sockets
What are the most common power sources?
Batteries and AC power supplies.
What are the five components of electrical circuit?
power sources, conductors, loads, control elements and protection elements.
What do you need to use electrical current? A c....., a p....... and something to use the electricity.
A circuit, a power source and something to use the electricity.
Do electrons move?
Yes, they do.
What are protons? What charge do they have?
They are in the middle of the atom (the nucleus) and they don’t move. They have a positive charge.