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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Ali Baba and Cassim do when the thieves ran away?
They took all the treasure from the cave and gave them to the poor villagers.
Who discovered that the tall man was not a merchant?
Who were in the 39 pots?
The thieves.
What happened to Cassim when the thieves discovered that he was in the cave?
The thieves hurt Cassim.
Why did Ali Baba's brother Cassim couldn't leave the cave?
He forgot to say Open Sesame.
What was Ali Baba's wife name?
What did Ali Baba take home for his wife?
A bag of gold coins.
What was inside the cave?
There were hundreds of sacks and wooden boxes full of diamonds, silver, gold and jewels.
What did the tall man do when he was in front of the big rock? ?
He said:"Open Sesame"
What did he see in the forest?
40 men on their horses.
Who did Ali Baba tell about the treasure?
His wife.
What was Ali Baba's job?
He was a woodcutter.