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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Zoe joined a health club, so she could get to know/experience/take advantage of all the facilities.
Take advantage of
Andy is temporary/lonely/aware in Dublin. He hasn’t made any new friends yet.
My cousins immigrated to Canada six months ago, and they have experienced/settled down/expanded their horizonsin their new country.
Settled down
This is a stressful/fluent/temporary time for Lisa because she’s in the middle of her exams.
What do you get to know/have in common/take advantage of with the new students from Germany?
Have in common
My parents come from different expats/borders/backgrounds. My mum is from Turkey and my dad is from Jamaica.
You need a passport to cross the lifestyle/background/border from the US into Mexico.
Amy isn't forgiven/was forgiven/be forgiven for what she did, but she still feels guilty.
Was forgiven
The students at our school are required/will be required/will require to study two foreign languages next year.
Will be required
Although we sometimes argue, I still get in touch/keep in touch/deal with with Gwen.
Keep in touch
Ben has given up/not allowed/brought up a very good job in order to return to college.
Given up
Does your family blame/support/bother you in most of your decisions?
The park is cleaning/is cleaned/cleaned once a week by volunteers from the ecology club.
Is cleaned
Alice blamed/looked up to/forgave everyone except herself for failing the exam.
Students are expected to get along/give up/take responsibility for their studies.
Take responsibility
The school was planned/planned/is planned a class trip to the Lake District.
The popular TV series followed/were followed/was followed by viewers around the world.
Was followed
I’m always on time. It brings up/bothers/blames me when my friends are late.
Bodiam Castle, in the southeast of England, were built/is built/was built in the 14th century.
Was built
Small arguments can sometimes become serious rows/siblings/twins
It was great speaking to you. Let’s try and keep a promise/keep away/keep in touch more often.
Keep in touch
Dan, who is much older than his siblings, is looked up to/will be looked up to/looks up to by them.
Is looked up to
2. My father brought up/is brought up/was brought up on a farm in the north of England.
Was brought up
When I was younger, I was  jealous/spoiled/sensitive of my older sister, but now we’re good friends.