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Enzymes review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In a investigation into the effect of pH on enzyme activity - what would the controlled variables be?
Amount of substrate, temperature, Amount of enzyme, method of testing
In a investigation into the effect of pH on enzyme activity - what would the dependent variable be?
Time take for enzyme activity / Rate of reaction
In a investigation into the effect of pH on enzyme activity - what would the independent variable be?
What is an anomalous result?
Result that doesnt fit the pattern
Why does an enzyme only catalyse one type of reaction
Active site is only complimentary to one substrate
What does optimum conditions mean
The best conditions for enzyme action
What colour does iodine turn in the presence of starch
Blue Black
What chemical is used to test for starch
Why is enzyme activity low at low temperature
Less kinetic energy and collisions between enzyme and substrate
What is formed when a substrate fits into the active site of an enzyme
Enzyme substrate complex
What happens when an enzyme is denatured?
The active site changes shape / Substrate no longer fits
What affect can high temperature have on an enzyme
Denature it
Name three factors that affect enzyme activity
Temperature, pH, Concentration (of enzyme or substrate)
Which part of an enzyme does the substrate fit into?
Active site
What is the substrate for lipase?
What is the substrate for protease?
What is the substrate for carbohydrase?
Which small molecules (2) make up fats?
Fatty acids and glycerol
Which small molecules make up proteins
Amino acids
Which small molecules make up carbohydrates
Glucose / Sugars