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The perfect prince

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the prince thin and tall?
No, he isn't.
Is the princess angry because the prince lied? Why?
No, because she likes him for who he is.
The prince's hair is really ______ and _________.
Fair and short
How does the princess know that the prince is lying?
Because he sneezes and his wig falls out.
What's the matter with the prince?
He has a cold
The princess says the prince is very _______ and ________.
Funny and kind.
Is the princess good looking?
Yes, she is.
The prince says his hair is ________ and ________.
curly and dark
What does Princess Zara's hair look like?
She's got curly red hair
What is happening today at the castle?
A party