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Making comparisons with nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are ____________ students at this university than there were last year.
as many
The amount of plastic in the oceans is ____________ than it was 50 years ago.
far more
Venice has ____________ gondolas now than it did in the past.
far fewer
There are ____________ trees in the Amazon rainforest than in any other forest in the world.
New York has ____________ people living there than any other city in the USA.
There are ____________ fish in the sea now than there were in the past.
The number of people using public transport in London is ____________ than those using cars.
far less
The population of China is ____________ than any other country in the world.
London has ____________ museums than any other city in the UK.
There are ____________ forests in the world now than there were 100 years ago.
far fewer
Venice has ____________ tourists now than it did in the 19th century.
far more
New York has ____________ skyscrapers than any other city in the world.
Tokyo has ____________ people living there than any other city in Japan.
There were ____________ people living in London in the 19th century than there are now.
Rome has ____________ historical monuments than any other city in the world.
Rome has ____________ historical monuments than any other city in the world.
Rome has ____________ historical monuments than any other city in the world.
There are ____________ cars on the road now than there were in the 1950s.
Paris is ____________ polluted than it was in the 19th century.