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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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now, need, nothing, night, never, nice
very, valid, view, vote, victory, vicious
call, customer, care, contact, charming, crazy
let, love, lead, like, lollipop, lizard
keep, kids, kill, karaoke, knight, know
just, joke, jealousy, jam, juice, jump
how, have, he, helicopter, high, hide
good, get, go, girl, grand, giraffe
find, friend, fun, fan, fill, full
sorry, say, shop, sea, sweatshirt, soup
what, would, work, well, with, wild
definitely, December, date, day, down, drain
outside, our, office, oblige, offend, orange
because, both, boy, bank, bridge, believe
young, yoga, yoghurt, yeti, year, yell
two, teams, take, touch, twirl, time
maybe, more, money, might, make, mess
every, episode, end, early, envy, epic
police, post, photo, point, perfect, peach
green, grass, garden, garlic, girl, go
ring, beach, car, difficult, surfing, lighthouse
bag, cinema, volleyball, hopscotch, spider, bake
shop, imagine, cute, radiation, lyrics, dirt
perfumes, purple, study, draw, slow, wind
poster, glass, student, plant, CD, swing
lipgloss, notebook, write, crayon, prison, photo
mint, face cream, music, flower, ghost, jump
tea, pudding, candle, book, wave, fun
pen, brick, butter, oat milk, sand, fire
Malibu, bread, give, watch, yoghurt, weird
water, grass, plastic, glue, coconut, friend