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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is a man. He is sitting on the bench.
There is a man sitting on the bench.
There are three boy. They are jogging in the park.
There are three boysjogging in the park.
There is a cat. It is sleeping over there.
There is a cat sleeping overthere.
There are a few people. They are waiting for the shop open.
There are a few people waiting for the shop open.
There is a man. He is knocking at our door.
There is a man knocking at our door.
There are some men. They are lighting a fire.
There are some men lighting a fire.
There is a girl. She is coming out of the shop.
There is a girl coming out of the shop.
There are some students. They are playing hopscotch.
There are some students playing hopscotch.
There is a mailman. He is mailing some letters.
There is a mailman mailing some letters.
There is a cat. It is sleeping under the chair.
There is a cat sleeping under the chair.
There is an airplane. It is flying over the lake.
There is an airplane flying over the lake.
There are some children. They are standing between those trees.
There are some children standing between those trees.
There is a student. She is doing her homework.
There is a student doing her homework.