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Dr. Seuss is a children's _____________ and _______________
author and illustrator
What does Dr. Seuss like to wear?
How many of Dr. Seuss's books have been made into movies?
4 - Cat in the Hat, Horton Hears a Who, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Lorax
Is Dr. Seuss still alive?
No, he died in 1991
What is special about the writing style of Dr. Seuss?
Rhyming and silliness!
Which Dr. Seuss book was written as a bet and contains only 50 words?
Green Eggs and Ham
What is Dr. Seuss's real name?
Theodore Seuss Geisel
How many books did Dr. Seuss write?
More tha 60 books
Is Dr. Seuss his real name?
No, it is his pen name.
What was Dr. Seuss's first book?
And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street
Was Dr. Seuss really a doctor?