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physical education games

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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do jumping squats for 40 sec ( all the group)
if done
bring 1 cucumber,1 carrot ,1 potato , 1 apple and 1 banana in less then 40 sec
if done
bring 2 different balls in less then 30 sec
if done
bring a yellow shoes and a red shoes in less the 30 sec
if done
who won the lebanese futsal school league in 2015?
jesus and mary school
each one of the group has to choose 1 sport exercise and do it for 1 min
if done
try to make the other group laugh in less then 1 min
if done
futsal goal dimension?
2 * 3
do 10 crunches and 10 push ups and 10 jumping jacks and 10 mountain climbers and 10 lounges
if done
smile and take the points
if done
all the group have to do the push up {90} in less then 1 min
if done
dance for 1 min all the group
if done
bring a badminton racket in less then 30 sec
if done
bring a minifootball shoes and a basketball shoes in less then 30 sec
if done
all the group do 20 burpees in less then 1 min
if done
dimension of a basketball court
28 by 15
all the group do 1 min plank
if one stop they lose
do 40 jumping jacks in less then 1 min
if done 20 point
who won the football world cup 2010?